Reminder: this survey is not a complaint about beer prices generally or at any particular place. It's just my attempt to watch price trends over time. For more details on which beers and establishments were surveyed, see the first PBPI.
Here is the Winter 2009 PBPI:
- 6-packs: $8.75, down 10 cents
- 22-ounce bombers: $5.03, down 5 cents
- 6-packs (sale price): $7.85
- 22-ounce bombers (sale price): $4.97
- 16 oz. draft: $4.20, unchanged
- 16 oz. draft (happy hour): $3.46
The decline in retail prices is mainly due to Belmont Station's lower prices, though Fred Meyers lowered one or two also. The sale/happy-hour prices are based on all the beers in the survey, so it includes beers that weren't on sale. That's especially evident in the bomber prices -- almost none of them were marked down when I did my canvass. A few more details are worth mentioning:
- I used Belmont Station's cash prices. Purchases with a credit or debit card are higher.
- Not only is the pub average unchanged, but no pub in the survey changed its regular price since September.
- Six-pack equivalent (SPE) prices:
- bomber: $16.46
- sale bomber: $16.27
- pub: $18.91
- pub happy hour: $15.55
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