Seeing a pile of dirt on the floor at
Beermongers over the weekend, I couldn't resist taking a picture of it, since it reminded me of the
award-losing photo of dirt piles that I took at Migration Brewing last year. Matt has his
Fermented Photo series... maybe I'll start a Dirty Photo series.
Like at Migration, the ugly picture heralds a beautiful future. Beermongers is installing a permanent bar with seven taps to replace the rollaway bars that currently house their five taps. The new bar will also have an industrial-strength dishwasher, so no more plastic cups. Hopefully they'll jump on the honest-pint bandwagon and peddle their wares in glassware marked with volume lines.

Speaking of dirt, yesterday in a
post about Cascade Brewing, Angelo put up a picture of more cut-up pavement inside Cascade's new Barrel House (photo lifted from Cascade's Facebook page). There's a lot of beer construction going on around here.
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