Here's what we passed around that evening:
- Russian River Supplication Batch 003: very sour; not so cherry; dry
- Deschutes Abyss 2007: dry, bitter, and awesome
- Lost Abbey Inferno: sweet like a strong Belgian; tasty
- Lucky Lab Pavlov's Imperial Stout: aged really well (in the fridge); smooth and dark
- Brett's homebrewed 2006 Belgian: delicious candy Belgian
- Hair of the Dog Fred from the Wood 2008: rich; strong alcohol; yeasty bitter edge
- Lost Abbey Moonlit Sessions Lager: black lager; smooth, chocolatey
The Lost Abbey beers on poker night were more to my liking. Inferno is in an abbey-style bottle with a champagne cork, but it didn't have that yeasty dubbel/tripel flavor; it seemed to me to be more in the Duvel family tree. The Moonlit Lager was a good poker-game beer; only 5% ABV but with a rich roasty flavor.
It was fun to rotate in the big Oregon beers also. I was happier with the Pavlov's than when I opened my other bottle of it six months ago. Brett's Belgian went over really well, and of course Fred from the Wood and Abyss are slam dunks any time. But the real Oregon success story was Dave's poker game. He was the only native at the table, and he took so much money from the Texans that he decided that Texas Hold'em should be called Oregon Hold'em from now on.
Thanks again to Todd and Andy for the California beers -- Lost Abbey and Russian River are hard for us to get here. And thanks to Brett for the awesome homebrew.
I'm glad you were taking notes. I can't really remember which beer was which. I just remember that I did not care for the sour beer, but everything else ranged from good to great.