Despite the fact that I recently won a Worst Photograph prize, I'd like to wind up the year with a slideshow of Pub Night memories. These are pictures I took during 2009 that didn't make it into a blog post. Even so, they tell a story of camaraderie that illustrates what I love about Portland and the beer-obsessed people that congregate here.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Thursday, December 24, 2009
A Keg of Cask Ale

Over the weekend I wasn't tsk-tsking it, I was glug-glugging it, because it was mighty tasty, even if it wasn't culturally authentic. The biggest problem Dave had was, how do you get the beer out of the keg? It didn't have a blowhole like a firkin does, so he couldn't just somehow tap it and drain it. On the other hand, forcing it out with a keg tap or CO2 seemed risky.

On the earlier post about cask ales, I was hoping people would name more names of places with good or bad cask ale. There wasn't much response, but here's what I got, plus I'll add a bit of my own opinion.
Good places for cask ale:
- Deschutes - even Ted approves
- Moon and Sixpence
- County Cork
- Rock Bottom - from firkins at the right temperature
- Bridgeport - especially the Pearl location
- New Old Lompoc - one commenter reports multiple fails
- Horse Brass - same commenter says "hit or miss"; I agree
- Lucky Lab - pains me to say it, but that two-week old Black Lab Stout has its tongue hanging out.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Portland Beer Price Index: Winter 2009

Reminder: this survey is not a complaint about beer prices generally or at any particular place. It's just my attempt to watch price trends over time. For more details on which beers and establishments were surveyed, see the first PBPI.
Here is the Winter 2009 PBPI:
- 6-packs: $8.75, down 10 cents
- 22-ounce bombers: $5.03, down 5 cents
- 6-packs (sale price): $7.85
- 22-ounce bombers (sale price): $4.97
- 16 oz. draft: $4.20, unchanged
- 16 oz. draft (happy hour): $3.46
The decline in retail prices is mainly due to Belmont Station's lower prices, though Fred Meyers lowered one or two also. The sale/happy-hour prices are based on all the beers in the survey, so it includes beers that weren't on sale. That's especially evident in the bomber prices -- almost none of them were marked down when I did my canvass. A few more details are worth mentioning:
- I used Belmont Station's cash prices. Purchases with a credit or debit card are higher.
- Not only is the pub average unchanged, but no pub in the survey changed its regular price since September.
- Six-pack equivalent (SPE) prices:
- bomber: $16.46
- sale bomber: $16.27
- pub: $18.91
- pub happy hour: $15.55
Friday, December 18, 2009
I Won a Major Award!

It was the picture above -- of a kegerator sitting next to the dug-up floor of the future Migration Brewing pub -- that pushed Alan over the edge and made him create a new prize category for the worst photo submitted. He claims it's the ugliest picture ever to appear on A Good Beer Blog. Gee whiz, it's probably one of the 20 best photos on It's Pub Night -- at least it wasn't taken with the 1.4 kilopixel camera on my old cell phone. Well, different bloggers have different standards.
Speaking of which, you may recall that in past years two other Portland beer bloggers have actually won the real Grand Prize in Alan's contest, Dave Selden (Champagne of Blogs) in 2006, and Matt Wiater ( last year. Matt is a photographer by trade: take a look at his collection of Portland beer photography on his Flickr page. Not only are the pictures stunning, but they are a great document of the local beer scene.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Your Thoughts on Cask Ale

Two recent internet articles have me pondering the state of cask beer. One is by Ted Sobel -- the brewer/publican of Brewers Union Local 180, an all-cask-ale brewery in remote Oakridge, Oregon -- explaining on his blog why he won't let the beer he brews out of his sight. Shortly after Ted's post, Beer Advocate asked its readers for their opinion on this question: (paraphrasing) is cask beer done right in the U.S., or are those pumps just a gimmick?
In Great Britain, the Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA) promotes this particularly English way of producing and serving beer. There's special emphasis placed on the condition of the beer: the publican has to cellar it while it finishes fermenting, then let it settle after he jostles it up to the serving area, then make sure it is served at the right temperature, while it's still fresh.
Here in Oregon, there are cask engines in more and more pubs, even places that don't cater exclusively to beer nerds, for example Beulahland and Bar Avignon. Ted's post was skeptical about such cask offerings:
The contents of the kegs are dubiously named cask-conditioned beer, which in many cases simply contain ale destined for keg that has been drawn off from the fermenter and primed in the cask (keg).
Now, to my mind, that's good enough. It would not be good enough if it were just an ordinary keg of beer, not re-fermented in the keg. But if the keg is conditioned, it's legit, right?
Bridgeport immediately came to mind as a place in town that serves cask-conditioned beer, and is probably doing it the right way. So I emailed Karl Ockert to ask him about their process. He replied:
We currently have three engines pulling from firkins at both our brewpub on NW Marshall St and the Alehouse on SE Hawthorne. Our cask ales are my beer of choice when I go down at the end of the day to our pub for my pint. And yes we have the stillage racks, spiles, keystones, cask breathers, etc.
And Bridgeport's cask ales are definitely a treat.
But I'd like to hear from all of you out there, especially if you work at a brewery or a pub that serves cask-conditioned beer. My questions are:
- What places in Portland serve cask ale correctly?
- What places in town are faking us out?
- What places have cask ale, but in poor condition?
- Can "ale destined for keg" qualify as cask-conditioned?
- What about Beer Advocate's question: is cask just a gimmick?
Thursday, December 10, 2009

Beermongers had just opened a couple of weeks before, so as I was chatting up the SMW&M proprietor, I asked him what he thought of Beermongers. He said, "I don't see how they're going to make it, with New Seasons just down the street from them."
Man, that just sent my head spinning. You see, SMW&M is at the NE corner of Ladd's Addition, Beermongers is at the SW corner, and New Seasons is at the SE. So, comparing Beermongers to SMW&M:
- Distance to New Seasons: tie
- Selection: Beermongers wins
- Price: Beermongers wins
- Distance to 7-11 and Safeway: SMW&M loses
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Upright Brewing Tasting Room

Make no mistake, the tasting room isn't a pub. It's only open from 1 to 6 on Saturdays and Sundays -- plus special hours starting at 6 PM every night that there's a home Blazers game around the corner at the Rose Garden. There's no kitchen, but on some days there might be a small charcuterie plate available to snack on -- a couple weeks ago it featured some of Alex's homemade blood sausage.

It's a good deal: most 12-ounce samples are $2; some special brews cost $3. The special beers are often one of the everyday Upright beers like Four or Seven, spiked with some homegrown fruit or vegetable, like Fatali peppers or baby kiwi. You can buy the various Upright bottled beers at the tasting room, or get growlers filled for $10 ($15 for some special beers).
You'll likely get a chance to chat with brewer/owner Alex Ganum; most days your bartender will be Portland beer expert Ezra Johnson-Greenough -- SamuraiArtist on Twitter. Speaking of social networking, Upright now has a blog with interesting entries so far -- keep it up, guys -- and you can follow them on Twitter or Facebook.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Holiday Ale Fest Advice

Don't worry, it's still a great time, thanks to the friendly crowd and an awesome lineup of beers collected by Preston Weesner. The weather was unbelievably fine yesterday, and looks to be good today also. Here's some friendly advice on how best to enjoy the fest:
- Don't drive there. These beers are huge, and they'll catch up with you. Take the bus or train, or arrange a ride home.
- Bring water. If there were mug rinse stations, I didn't see them. You can buy bottled water, but why not just come prepared?
- Get there early. Shorter lines, less shouting.
- Warm up your beer. Due to storage and weather, the beer is served too cold to get the best flavors. Cup it in your hands for a while before tasting.
- Samples, not full pours. Because they're cheaper, easier to warm up, and won't clobber you as quickly.
- No kids allowed whatsoever. Dave found out the hard way that even a baby in a backpack is verboten.
There are tons of excellent beers. Here are a few that made an impression on me yesterday:
- Bear Republic Barrel Aged Old Baba Yaga (Imperial Stout): rich malt-o-meal flavor, strong alcohol
- Deschutes Mirror Mirror (Barleywine): single-barrel version of the 2008 release; delicious maply, oaky barleywine
- Cascade Sang Noir (Sour Red Ale): a nicely dry sour; you must let it warm up and open up
- Hair of the Dog Jim 2009 (Blended Aged Ale): this year's Jim is very hoppy and barleywinish, leans very much towards Doggie Claws
- Vertigo Arctic Blast (Vanilla Porter): a nice lighter offering, with lots of vanilla
- Hopworks Kronan the Barbarian (Baltic Porter): dense and delicious, not as strong at 8%
- Laurelwood Polska Porter (Baltic Porter): dark, rich, and boozy
- Grand Teton Black Cauldron (Imperial Stout): smoky and malty
That hardly does justice to the many offerings at the festival, but these were standouts among the few beers I tried yesterday. Leave a comment if you have something to recommend.
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