Thus it is both appropriate and amusing that 4-4-2 will soon have a house brew called Nice Lady Beer. It's a pale ale brewed by Lompoc Brewing, and like everything in the place it will be served at a reasonable price in a marked half-liter mug. The ceremonial first tapping is happening at the Soccer Bar this coming Saturday, November 19, 2011, at 7 PM. You're invited, as long as you're nice.
Here are the details on Nice Lady Ale, from Lompoc brewer Zach Beckwith's blog:
Jerry is a regular at 4-4-2 and conceptualized a beer for them using 4 malts and 4 hop varieties then dry hopped with 2 more hop varieties, representing the typical alignment of a soccer team. Jerry and I decided on a hybrid between a pilsner and an American pale ale using our house yeast fermented at a lower temperature (similar to the process we used for PilzIPA last summer). I brewed the beer on Monday using NW pale, Vienna, Munich and light crystal malt and Perle, Saaz, Tettnang, and Cascade hops in the boil. The goal is to have a crisp and quaffable beer with spicy hop character and a big American hop aroma.
Dry-hopped lagered pale. Sounds tasty. Strong enough for a man, but... OK, I won't go there.
On a related note, since I've heard a few negative comments about the name of Boneyard's very tasty Girl Beer, I want to throw out a pre-emptive "lighten up" to anyone that might quibble with the name Nice Lady. This isn't about trying to give something separate and less equal to the fairer sex, and it certainly isn't objectification. I order a Girl Beer every time I see it on tap. It's a very satisfying and delicious brew that could appeal to anyone, and I expect the same will be true of Nice Lady. In this case, it's just a bit of self-deprecating humor on the part of the bar's owner.
The Girl Beer joke cuts both ways. Someone told me a story recently about a customer that went up to the bar at Bailey's Taproom and asked what he should order, seeing as how he didn't usually care for microbrews. Whoever was tending bar that night very helpfully and sincerely recommended Girl Beer to him. The guy thought his masculinity was being called into question and made an angry scene. Not nice.
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